THE FUTURE OF BULDINGS - What does it take to build a net zero building?
The real estate market is about to undergo a real green revolution. Carbon risks and emissions are slowly beginning to be tangible factors that can be priced in real estate business models. Regulators, investors and customers expect more and more information from organisations. What the market lacks, however, is clarity on how to address those requirements in a technically and legally feasible way. Our aim in discussion will be to fill this gap... We'll also see some interesting presentations and case studies.
EVA STERNER, Head of Development within Logicenters at NREP
KEYNOTE: Leading the way towards carbon neutral developments
Logicenters is working on a new concept where the aim is to reduce the carbon emissions for new developments. The aim is to reach zero embedded carbon and zero operational carbon without any cost increase over the life cycle. This can be done by leading the way in trying out new sustainable produced building materials and supporting the companies that challenge the traditional methods, finding more optimized structural designed and using on site renewable energy.
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